Relationships with other Christians are vital to our relationship with God. The first Christians in the Book of Acts gave us a wonderful example of how to intentionally live this out. They gathered weekly on Sunday mornings in the courts of the Jewish temple and then regularly in each others homes during the week. At Word of Life Church we seek to follow this model as we live out our faith. We have our weekly gathering on Sunday morning and then we schedule a time during the week where we get together to encourage and challenge one another. We divide the month between two Connect Groups, a Girl’s Night, and a Guy’s night.
Connect Groups are designed to do just that – help us connect to other believers. God intends for His church to do life together, sharing in the good times and the bad. There is so much that we can learn from the experiences of other Christians and so much we can offer them from ours. Studying the Scriptures, praying, and serving are enriched when we have the unique God-given perspective of other people. It is within this kind of community that we are truly KNOWN.
Our Connect Groups meet every other week from February through May and again from August through November. We take a break to focus on outreach in the summer and again during the busy holiday season to give everyone a chance to rest and enjoy their families. Each group is free to decide its own topic from a database of over 10,000 Bible studies and book based teachings. There are groups that meet at different times and on different nights of the week, allowing almost anyone with any kind of schedule to find something that works for them. Connect Groups are free to meet in homes, coffee shops, at church, pretty much anywhere it is possible to have good discussion.
Signup for Connect groups occurs in January and July, but you are encouraged to join a group any time throughout the year. You might miss the first part of the material, but we don’t want you to miss out on a minute of the great relationships. Information about group topics, locations, and times are updated each semester. If you any questions please feel free to ask us at
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Our services reflect our mission through dynamic praise and worship, great fellowship, and preaching grounded in the Word. We welcome anyone to come visit and be a part of our church family.
1804 7th Avenue
Rock Island, IL 61201
(309) 786-1100