Jesus said that all Christians must receive His Kingdom like little children. There is just something special about kids that make them capable of trusting and having faith in God. We believe kids are worthy of as much energy, effort, and attention as adults when it comes to developing their relationship with Jesus.
We are very serious about providing great ministry for kids at Word of Life Church at each age level. All of our kids areas are located upstairs in the church. Below you can see a list of our offerings.
Nursery (0 to 2 years)
The nursery is located upstairs at the back of the sanctuary. Babies and toddlers will have excellent care as they play, eat snacks, sing, and learn about the love of Jesus. Nursing moms are also welcome upstairs if they desire more privacy and parents with crying babies can sit upstairs in a comfortable chair any time during the service.
Preschool (Ages 3 to Kindergarten)
The preschool class is located on the second floor of the main part of the building. We utilize the Bible App for Kids curriculum. You can download the app any time and follow along with the lessons and keep your kids learning during the week at home. Each class contains teaching, worship, discussion, games, play time and snacks.
The Clubhouse (Ages 1st to 6th grades)
The Clubhouse is located up on the third floor of the main part of the building. It is a full church service designed to be on the level of kids. Each week they engage in high energy praise and worship, illustrated sermons from God’s Word, small group discussion, games, and fun projects. This is an environment where your kids will really begin to deepen their relationship with Jesus.
We take the safety of the kids very seriously at WOL Church. All of our kids ministry classrooms are located on upper levels and only adults with background checks are allowed in those areas. Each ministry area has a check-in station where you will drop off and pick up your child. You can bring your child to class at 9:45 and we ask that you pick them up by 11:30.
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Convenient and Secure
Our services reflect our mission through dynamic praise and worship, great fellowship, and preaching grounded in the Word. We welcome anyone to come visit and be a part of our church family.
1804 7th Avenue
Rock Island, IL 61201
(309) 786-1100