His Steps is designed for someone who truly desires to become mature in their faith. This isn’t done in a classroom, but rather is a journey one-on-one with a mentor. It involves a weekly meeting time where a video curriculum is watched and discussed, but there is also self study and learning done in a workbook on your own throughout the week. This is a longer commitment, but once it is done you will be fully prepared to take someone else through it. That is actually the goal. The true mark of discipleship is the desire and capacity to help others become more like Jesus. Below is a preview of the D.I.O. video curriculum we utilize.
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Our services reflect our mission through dynamic praise and worship, great fellowship, and preaching grounded in the Word. We welcome anyone to come visit and be a part of our church family.
1804 7th Avenue
Rock Island, IL 61201
(309) 786-1100